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Teknologi Informasi

Husni Thamrin, M.T., Ph.D



: ht194@umkt.ac.id

Riwayat Pendidikan

Jenjang Jurusan Tempat Studi Negara Tahun Lulus
S3 Electronics and Elect Engineering University of Glasgow Inggris 2008
S2 Teknik Elektro Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia 2003
S1 Teknik Elektro Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia 1994

No Data Book.

No Data Chapter.

No Jurnal Link
1 A Rule Based SWOT Analysis Application: A Case Study for Indonesian Higher Education Institution H Thamrin, EW Pamungkas Procedia Computer Science 116, 144-150 | vol: | issue : | 2017
2 An Attempt to Create an Automatic Scoring Tool of Short Text Answer in Bahasa Indonesia H Thamrin, J Wantoro Proceeding of the Electrical Engineering Computer Science and Informatics 1 … | vol: | issue : | 2014
3 A SWOT Analysis Tool for Indonesian Small and Medium Enterprise H Thamrin, R Herlambang, B Brylian, AKA Gumawang, A Makmun ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 12 (2), 620-625 | vol: | issue : | 2017
4 Utilizing Lexical Relationship in Term-Based Similarity Measure Improves Indonesian Short Text Classification H Thamrin, A Sabardila ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 11 (22) | vol: | issue : | 2016
5 Penerapan Single Page Application pada Proses Pengisian Online Data Rencana Studi Mahasiswa A Ristyabudi, H Thamrin Khazanah Informatika: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Informatika 2 (1), 1-9 | vol: | issue : | 2016
7 Using dictionary in a knowledge based algorithm for clustering short texts in Bahasa Indonesia H Thamrin, A Sabardila 2014 International Conference on Data and Software Engineering (ICODSE), 1-4 | vol: | issue : | 2014
8 Model Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Pengelolaan Pondok Pesantren Mahasiswa H Thamrin Prosiding SNATIKA Vol 01 (2011) 1 (01) | vol: | issue : | 2012
9 Efek Penggunaan Keterkaitan Kata pada Algoritma Similaritas Semantik Terhadap Kinerja Proses Klasifikasi Teks dengan K-Nearest Neighbour H Thamrin Komuniti: Jurnal Komunikasi dan Teknologi Informasi 6 (2), 104-110 | vol: | issue : | 2017
10 Efektivitas Algoritma Semantik dengan Keterkaitan Kata dalam Mengukur Kemiripan Teks Bahasa Indonesia H Thamrin Khazanah Informatika: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Informatika 1 (1), 7-11 | vol: | issue : | 2015
11 Embracing Open Source Software to Empower Potentials of Community H Thamrin Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta | vol: | issue : | 2011
12 Modelling the respiratory control system in human subjects for excercise conditions H Thamrin University of Glasgow | vol: | issue : | 2008
13 Beban Jaringan Saat Mengakses Email dari Beberapa Mail Server H Thamrin Komuniti 3 (1) | vol: | issue : | 2011
14 Perancangan Tools Berbasis Python untuk Memantau Keaktifan Server H Thamrin Komuniti 2 (2) | vol: | issue : | 2011
15 Aplikasi Sparta (Sistem Perencanaan Untuk Usaha Kecil Menengah) R Herlambang, A Makmum, B Brylian, AKA Gumawang, H Thamrin Khazanah Informatika: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Informatika 2 (1), 26-34 | vol: | issue : | 2016
16 Model Halaman Tunggal untuk Peningkatan Kinerja Aplikasi Perekaman Data Penugasan Jabatan Struktural H Thamrin KLIK-KUMPULAN JURNAL ILMU KOMPUTER 4 (1), 112-124 | vol: | issue : | 2017
17 Embracing Open Source Software to Empower Potentials of the Community H Thamrin Proc. ISIGW 2011 | vol: | issue : | 2011
18 Pengembangan Sistem Monitoring Layanan Tata Usaha dan Analisis Kemanfaatannya: Studi Kasus di Fakultas Komunikasi dan Informatika U Al Chanani, H Thamrin Proceeding of The URECOL, 114-121 | vol: | issue : | 2018
19 User participation in building language repository: the case of Google Translate H Thamrin, G Ariyanto, EW Pamungkas, Y Sulistyono IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 403 (1), 012072 | vol: | issue : | 2018
20 An Application that Invites Users to Participate in Developing Repository of Bahasa Indonesia H Thamrin, G Ariyanto, I Yuliana, D Purworini 2018 International Conference on Computer, Control, Informatics and its … | vol: | issue : | 2018
21 Penggunaan Kamus Sinonim dan Hiponim Sebagai Sumber Ekspansi Kueri Dalam Sistem Temu Kembali Informasi Berbahasa Indonesia H Thamrin, A Triyono, U Fadlilah 1st University Research Colloquium | vol: | issue : | 2015
22 Implementasi Web Service pada Aplikasi Kamus Bahasa Indonesia F Natsir, H Thamrin, A Rakhmadi iKomuniTi 1 (01) | vol: | issue : | 2013
23 Pengembangan Sistem Penilaian Otomatis Terhadap Jawaban Soal Pendek dan Terbuka dalam Evaluasi Belajar Online Berbahasa Indonesia H Thamrin Seminar Nasional Teknologi Terapan | vol: | issue : | 2013
24 Perancangan Tools Berbasis Python untuk Memantau Keaktifan Sserver H Thamrin Komuniti 2 (2) | vol: | issue : | 2011
25 A mathematical model of the human respiratory control system during exercise H Thamrin, DJ Murray-Smith Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference 659, 078 | vol: | issue : | 2009
26 Modelling of the respiratory system for exercise conditions: a case study in physiological system simulation H Thamrin, D Murray-Smith 6th EUROSIM Congress on Modelling and Simulation | vol: | issue : | 2007
27 Model Multi Situs di Cabang Muhammadiyah Kartasura untuk Efisiensi Pengelolaan Web Berbagai Amal Usaha H Thamrin, A Septiawan Warta LPM 20 (1), 40-48 | vol: | issue : | 2017
28 Sosialisasi Pemanfaatan Software Open Source di SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Surakarta H Thamrin, DA Prasetya, AP Kurniawan Warta LPM 19 (3), 184-190 | vol: | issue : | 2017
29 A mathematical model of the human respiratory system during exercise H Thamrin, DJ Murray-Smith | vol: | issue : | 2009
30 Efektivitas Algoritma Similaritas Semantik Berbasis Jejaring Kata Untuk Mengukur Kemiripan Kalimat Bahasa Indonesia H Thamrin, A Sabardila Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta | vol: | issue : | 2014
31 Performance of similarity algorithms for statement mapping in a SWOT analysis application A Makmun, H Thamrin AIP Conference Proceedings 1977 (1), 020046 | vol: | issue : | 2018
32 Aplikasi Paperless Library dan Pengukuran Dampak dengan Model IS-IMPACT R Herlambang, H Thamrin Khazanah Informatika: Jurnal Ilmu Komputer dan Informatika 4 (2), 69-76 | vol: | issue : | 2018
33 Crowdsourcing in developing repository of phrase definition in Bahasa Indonesia H Thamrin, G Ariyanto, I Yuliana, WJ Pranoto Telkomnika 17 (5), 2321-2326 | vol: | issue : | 2019
34 Utilizing lexical relationship in term-based similarity measure to improve Indonesian short text classification H Thamrin, A Sabardila ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences 11 (22), 13141-13145 | vol: | issue : | 2016
35 Kinerja Mail dan Web Server pada Layanan Cloud Computing dan Mesin Virtualisasi H Thamrin, I Sofiana, MB Setiyawan Proceedings of KNASTIK | vol: | issue : | 2013
36 Pandangan Populer Tentang Bahasa Pemrograman yang Baik untuk Pemula H Thamrin Komuniti 1 (1) | vol: | issue : | 2010

No Tahun Seminar Link
1 2018 'An Application that Invites Users to Participate in Developing Repository of Bahasa Indonesia' The 2018 International Conference on Computer, Control, Informatics and its Applications (IC3INA 2018) - LIPI, Jakarta , Indonesia Husni Thamrin, M.T., Ph.D isbn : None
2 2017 'A Rule Based SWOT Analysis Application: A Case Study for Indonesian Higher Education Institution' The 2nd International Conference on Computer Science and Computational Intelligence (ICCSCI 2017) - Universitas Bina Nusantara (Binus), Denpasar , Indonesia Husni Thamrin, M.T., Ph.D isbn : None
3 2017 'User Participation in Building Language Repository: the Case of Google Translate' The 2017 International Conference on Engineering and Applied Technology (ICEAT) - FGDT-PTM, Mataram, Lombok , Indonesia Husni Thamrin, M.T., Ph.D isbn : None
4 2017 'Performance of Similarity Algorithms for Statement Mapping in a SWOT Analysis Application' ICETIA 2017 - Fakultas Teknik, Surakarta , Indonesia Husni Thamrin, M.T., Ph.D isbn : None

No Judul Peran Tahun Sumber Dana
1 Combining Analytic Hierarchy Process and Sentiment Analysis to Develop Higher Education Strategic Planning Peneliti Utama 2016 UMS

No Judul Peran Tahun Sumber Dana
2 Pengembangan Web Site dan Pelatihan Pengelolaan Web Muhammadiyah Cabang Kartasura Peneliti Utama 2016 UMS

No Data Membimbing Aktif

No Data Membimbing Selesai

No Data Penghargaan.

No Data Pengalaman Mengajar.

No Nama Lembaga Posisi Tahun
1 Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Kepala Biro Teknologi Informasi 2017-2021
2 Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta Dekan Fakultas Komunikasi dan Informatika 2016

No Data Blog.